Sunday, August 25, 2013

Lenin come to play

Today guards made time for lenin to come to play at house that belongs to me.

After we watch Iron Giant film. Lenin show me the nintendo of 64 game he get from american capitalist website. It is game of pokemon snap. we have very fun time with game and go around executing pokemon with camera device. the professor man in pokemon execution lab give us new target to kill every time we do good mission.

Stalin tell Lenin of great American Capitalist film Iron Giant

 After we beat game we go to bridge and have fun by throw the rocks at jew. I tell lenin he get good score if he hit peasant to. It is like the nintendo game he bring to house I tell him. Then I get idea.

I get guard to destroy city house that is in way of bridge and build giant slingshot. I get peasant and tell him to get in slingshot or i kill family. unfortunately brain of lenin is no good and slingshot throw man into river with pigs. Lenin tell me it was idea of mine. I tell guard to make lenin stop lie, so lenin tell truth about idea. he is very sneaky lenin.

today was also day that boat of food try to come from america. Lenin help me sink boat like i always do. the peasents cry and i tell them that communism best form of government and american very bad because poison food. he do not look like believe me so i send him to prison in the siberia to make stalin favorite cereal.

today was good day with lenin, next time he come will be very fun.
Summer is favorite season. I vacation at dacha.
I have peasant bring me their wife so as to make favorite time with. I watch American educational film Caddyshack so as to make learning golf easy. I wear blindfold for drive and play rock and roll heavy metal Journey and dance in fairway. Stalin score have never been lower! I hire homeless peasant to make new grass like American captalist greenskeeper Bill Murray and hunt gopher that I realease on to course!!! Gopher very sneaky and like to hide Stalin golf ball. But Stalin sneaky too! Stalin take gopher family and send them to Siberia where he kill one member for every day golf ball not back. Summer time is most favorite of season!

I get new cow

I get new cow today. It is very big cow. Almost as big as Iron Giant.

I think I name new cow Iron Giant. He is good cow and I let him have room that peasant own. It is for good of country I say. Peasant look very mad but he say nothing because he like Iron Giant.

I have Iron Giant feed Vodka and Raisins to make him very big and good cow.Today I take Iron Giant to place with the train to use the toilet. Many people stop and cry because they say Iron Giant make big mess on gypsy cart. I tell them this is not true, and you listen what I say because it good for you.

Here is picture I make for you of Iron Giant. I think it best picture of all time in world. Better than American artist who practice religion of capitalism. I have hung in museum of good things Stalin do that be build over peasant town of Jew.

Cream Tea Stalin favorite tea.

I would like talk about favorite tea for time. My favorite tea for time is cream tea.

Here is recipe:
1 bag Earl Grey
2 scoop Devonshire cream.
4 Jeroboam Vodka

Mix ingredient in barrel. Have 4 peasant lift to mouth. Is very heavy.

Iron Giant is good film.


Peasant come in office today tell me stop watch the Iron Giant. He tell me people suffer because of glorious leadership. He say Iron Giant no good it bad film to play while people do not like leadership.

I tell him "no you are the peasant, you cannot say what do!" I take out gun and shoot the pig he favorite time with. Man yell "stop stalin! you shoot my pig with favorite time I do with!" I tell him Iron Giant very good film. I yell at guards and have him taken behind boathouse by Kremlin. His wife come in scream "No Stalin, you are glorious leader but please do not do Stalin." I look at her and be sad, but I know that punishment is right thing to do. I look over and see she knock over plate of bacon on table. I scream "no you do this, you hate iron giant and people die, do you see what you do with the hate of iron giant!?" I call for guards and tell them to throw her in siberian wilds. Maybe there I think she will find how good Iron Giant is too great of film.

I make everyone in Russia have to watch Iron Giant so they know how good it is as film. Many people get angry and make big revolution,  tell them "No! communism is good you must watch Iron Giant because it is good!" they say "No stalin we are hungry." I tell them to watch Iron Giant or I take all food away from them.

Now they know how good Iron Giant is.

Today is start of blog.

I tell you new blog post that is first about stalin morning.

Every morning I wake up to a fresh hot cup of goat milk, it be lined out on the table next to favorite firearm. The aroma fill air reminding me that I now was only pretty princess of all the CCCP in the land.

The serfs place boxed chicken atop a chimney. It face window looking me straight in two eye. Each morning I grab my rifle and fire shots until I know the chicken is dead. This make good prize for giveaway to peasants. I tell myself communism great it best form of government of many peoples.

I spend brunch watching the big Iron Giant play with VCR. I had all memorabilia shipped from the evil American empire. Glorious space program make robot for me in several days of calendar.I too lived life like people, struggle to find bathroom because of too many chicken in office.

Day is like any day. I teach you this because you too can be glorious leader like me. More to come soon in my writing of the blog comrades.